Anthony Jaworowski — ASN Events

Anthony Jaworowski

Burnet Institute, VIC, Australia

Associate Professor Anthony Jaworowski is a senior investigator and Principal Fellow within the Centre for Biomedical Research at the Burnet Institute. He obtained his PhD from the John Curtin School of Medical Research, ANU and furthered his training at the Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA (USA). He accepted a position as lecturer in Biochemistry at the University of Melbourne before embarking on a full time research career. He is internationally recognised for his research on the innate immune system, particularly monocytes and natural killer cells, and how they contribute to inflammatory disease in the elderly and in virus infected individuals. He also has a research focus on understanding how monocytes and the innate immune system help control malaria. Associate Professor Jaworowski’s laboratory is currently conducting several clinical studies on HIV-infected individuals commencing antiretroviral therapy, to try to understand why current regimens do not reduce inflammation and why these individuals remain at risk of non-AIDS, inflammatory diseases such as cardiovascular disease and non AIDS cancers.