John Silke
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, VIC, Australia

John completed a law degree in King's College, London (1989), a Biochemistry degree at Churchill College, Cambridge (Nat Sci Tripos 1992), a PhD in Zürich, Switzerland, with Prof. Walter Schaffner (1997), and a post-doc with Prof. David Vaux in the WEHI, Australia (1997-2005). His post-doc research centred around cell death mechanisms and in particular the role of Inhibitor of APoptosis proteins (IAPs) in regulating cell death. His lab in La Trobe University (2006-2011) and WEHI (2011-) continues to explore the functions of IAPs and the transcriptional and programmed cell death pathways that they regulate; extrinsic apoptosis (eg driven by TNF) and necroptosis, in both cancer and inflammation.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
IFNγ and Smac mimetics induce synergistic killing via necroptosis and apoptosis (#179)
6:00 PM
Maria Tanzer
Poster Session 2
Inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) proteins ubiquitylate RIP3 kinase and repress apoptosis, necroptosis, NLRP3 inflammasome activation and systemic inflammation (#193)
6:00 PM
James Vince
Poster Session 2
TRAF2 regulates NFĸB transcription factors to inhibit cell death and inflammation in the skin (#47)
6:00 PM
Nima Etemadi
Poster Session 1
Inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) proteins repress spontaneous inflammatory joint disease (#286)
6:00 PM
Kate Lawlor
Poster Session 1
Mitochondrial apoptosis is dispensable for NLRP3 activation but non-apoptotic caspase-8 is required for inflammasome priming (#301)
6:00 PM
Alison Mildenhall
Poster Session 2